Literacy Notebook Decoding Syllable ESL Anchor Chart Poster
Literacy Notebook ESL Classroom Anchor Chart Poster
Literacy Notebook ESL Classroom Anchor Chart Poster
Alphabet, Consonant Digraphs, Beginning & Final Blends Classroom Poster Anchor Chart Poster
Short Vowel Set ESL Classroom Anchor Chart Poster
CVC Set ESL Classroom Anchor Chart Poster
Silent E, Vowel Teams ESL Classroom Anchor Chart Poster
Long Vowel Word List ESL Classroom Anchor Chart Poster
R Vowels, Digraph Vowels ESL Classroom Anchor Chart Poster
R Vowels, Digraph Vowels Word Families ESL Classroom Anchor Chart Poster
Syllable ESL Classroom Anchor Chart Poster Set

Literacy Notebook - Instructional Resource

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The Literacy Notebook contains 28 learning charts to explicitly teach decoding and syllable skills to K12 and adult multilingual students. It is designed for teaching English learners with a limited vocabulary. Phonics, Syllables, and Word List charts come in two sizes, each in an easy-to-carry binder. Reproducible black and white downloads are available. Meets Common Core State Standards and CCRS. The Literacy Notebook contains:

  • Alphabet, Consonant Teams, Beginning Blends, and Final Blends (4 Charts)
  • Short A, E, I, O, and U Word Lists (5 Charts)
  • CVC, CCVC, CVCC, CCVCC Word Lists, (4 Charts)
  • Silent E Vowels, Vowel Teams, (2 Charts)
  • Long A, E, I, O, and U Word Lists (5 Charts)
  • Vowels, R Vowel Word Families, Digraph Vowels, Digraph Vowel Word Families (4 Charts)
  • 8 Syllables, Syllable Types, Syllable Division, and Syllable Division Patterns (4 Charts)